Harmony of Embodiment


Harmony of Embodiment came into my life when I was in Mexico in Huatulco, before one of my classes. I was at the beach staring at the infinite, powerful amazing ocean and rocks reaching to the sky. I was just connected to an amazing energy and I started to cry as I felt I received something really special.

Few month later I was led to create an energetic body treatment with this energy so I started running it first on my body then later on others.

It was really intense for me first and it really showed me where am i sabotaging myself and where I still do the fight in my life and not choosing myself.

I understood that in order to create harmony and flow, happyness in our life we should raise up and let go every lie and fight that keeps us in the same scenario again and again.

Harmony of Embodiment for me means being in harmony, experiencing oneness with beautiful Mother Earth, our heart and fabolous body and the whole universe. Being in peace in our heart and acknowledge the beauty of ourselves and the whole of existence.


A contribution to all of this is this energetic body treatment, which anyone can receive comfortably by simply lying on a massage bed.

It can show where we still live in addictions, extremes, immoderately and where we still maintain a lot of energy-absorbing fights. Where do we not stand up for ourselves, where do we have to set boundaries, where do we hurt or even punish ourselves.

It helps to release everything from our body that does not allow us to live our lives in love, joy and completeness by being connected to our heart.

The key is primarily that we find and transform within ourselves everything that does not allow us to live our everyday life in the balance and harmony that would allow us to live the most joyful life

I already have the first practitioners - people love it - feedbacks you can read below – in my country and it is a dream for me to return to the country and place where I was gifted with it.



harmonynew2“I felt the intensity of this energy almost all the time. As if something were gently scanning mu body. In many moments I was out of my mind and profoundly perceiving the energy flowing. It eas peaceful. My body seemed to thank. After the session I was a little emotional and during the week I could look into some things in my life that I was avoiding. It certainly a very powerful treatment! I wish I can receive again.”


"My experience with Andrea's new treatment was like being held on the clouds, calming, relaxing, like letting go of everything that was heavy and becoming more comfortable in my body and in my space.
Thank you so much Andrea for the gift you are."

"For me, during the treatment, my body reacted almost immediately and focused on a more than 40 years old childhood memory, which I always knew about, but its traumatic significance was not known to me. With Andrea's help, it was smoothed out. In retrospect, it is no longer possible to recall it, and in the following days, it brought with it additional realizations, awarenesses related to the past. I am thankful!"


"My body become into a really deep and relaxed state. I was very present the whole time."

"The imprints of physical and mental injuries suffered as a woman were healed in my session. The energy of Harmony created a a balance in me."

"Since then joyful things come into my life more easily, there are more and I can connect with them."

"Harmony of Embodiment for me is about functioning from love and stopping the fight. Besides turning to life with humility. For me it means that anything is happening in the outer world, there is peace in me and I’m fine. It connects with myself and I simply know  (or remember) that with this compassI am able to cross any stormy sea."


Watch the video with Carol Christol from Brazil: